Day – 6 Eye Contact

Write about two people meeting each other for the first time.


It was one sunny afternoon in Central Park. And there she was. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen and she was sitting on a bench reading a book. Just as she looked up while turning the book to the next page, she noticed me staring and invited me to come over.


Now, it was the first summer after my graduation from college and it was rough. First I had just moved to New York City and completely started over. I changed my phone number, did not tell my friends or family where I was going, and I went as far as deleting all my social media accounts so that I would not be contacted.


Why I did this well that is a story for another day. What you need to know is that I just moved to this huge city and had no friends or family; I was alone. So when she invited me over, I was surprised. Turns out she asked me over to let me know the 3rd and 4th button on my long sleeved shirt was undone. Before I knew it we had been talking and laughing for about 2 hours. I got her number and we became friends.


I did not know it then, but that was the day my life changed forever. … to be continued eventually J