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Day – 4 Dancing

Dancing: Who’s dancing and why are they tapping those toes?


It is 1 am in the morning and I am dancing tango at a Milonga in Buenos Aires, Argentina with a beautiful 24 year old Argentinian woman. You might be wondering what is a 25 year old guy doing at a Milonga at 1 am in the morning. A better question might be why is he in Argentina? Well the truth is, I am one of the youngest Billionaires on this earth. One of my favorite things to do is dance Tango and what better place to dance tango than at a Milonga in Buenos Aires the heart of the culture of tango.


Luckily for me, Since I own my own company, I don’t have to worry about missing work since its being taken care of. So the reason I am dancing with a 24 year old woman is because I can. Her name is Esperanza. The name Esperanza translated into English means hope.


So the night just started and it is going to be Legend …wait-for-it… dary.