Day 34 – July 16, 2015

Day 34

Do you think you have better skills at learning new things, generating new ideas, turning ideas into proposals that most individual in internship setting? If so why or why not? [RO]

I learned that I am better at learning new things than I am at turning ideas into proposals. I have noticed that when brainstorming I generate one excellent Idea in every 30 ideas I have tossed out. I know that cognitive thinking is a weakness of mine; however, I embrace this weakness by being able to learn new things at a quicker pace than most co-workers. I have noticed my boss having to repeat himself a few times before others can get the idea. I am not going to say that I understand everything on the first time because that would be lying. I do however, am told to do something less frequent than others and that creates a faster paced environment for my internship and the community partner setting.

I learned this when I was engaging with members in the community partner setting during the last 2 weeks.

I honestly do not know why this learning matters. In my opinion where one of these is a weakness, you can find solutions to those weaknesses and focus on increasing their strengths.

In light of this learning I am interested in honing in on my weaknesses and creating an impact on the community partner setting. This something I think I have accomplished.