Day 3 – June 3 2015

Day 3   Have I witnessed or observed small groups or work groups operating in this workplace effectively or ineffectively and if so why? How is the setting different from the first summer facilitation of small groups? (FGD]

Please apply the DEAL-based Internship Experience Reflection Framework and describe a internship experience (objectively and in some detail) articulating your learning about how small groups or work groups operate: “I learned that”….”I learned that when”… “This learning matters because”…”In light of this learning”….

I learned that group gatherings to discuss ideas is effective. During the roundtable at the Helm Society on Tuesday June 2, 2015, I witnessed real CEO’s in person discuss the issues dealing with health and technology today. The conversation ranged from what the end user does and how long the end-user uses the technology. To use an example they mentioned that users use the Fitbit for an average of 10 weeks before the device ends up in a drawer for the rest of its life span. The group was a table of 13 CEO’s and the discussion was phenomenal however at the end, the real shocker for me was that the CEO’s wanted to split into smaller groups to discuss smaller more concrete topics pertaining to the main topic that had been discussed throughout the day. Small group discussions are effective because one can really dig deep into a topic and find solutions to a problem or find the root of the problem in order to adequately find a solution.

I learned this on Tuesday June 2, 2015. This was a Round table held at the Rockefeller plaza in Downtown Manhattan. It was a great experience for me even though it was my second day and I still had not received a project.

This learning matters because of the perspective and the experience I am acquiring from being with high end CEO’s and their views on how to properly run their businesses and their experience in the field.

In light of this learning, being able to converse in a meeting is just half the battle. The biggest lesson to take away from this roundtable is the ability to facilitate a meeting and make sure that the conversation stays within a reasonable boundary of the topic being discussed.