Day 2 – June 2 2015

Can I describe a specific organizational values/ company norms/ and ethical arrangement (an example is the concept Ethical Fiber used and applied as a selection criteria in the Ashoka organization) in my internship organization? Have I have planned my entire summer production schedule for both the internship assignments and the production of journals and Skype face-to-face conferences with your faculty sponsor? Why or Why not? What are the faculty sponsor’s values and ethics? Are they similar/ different than my internship supervisor’s? For the purposes of this summer, the following definitions apply to four key terms:  ethos:  the sum of ideals which define an overall culture in the organization and/or community; values: the individual principles or standards that guide judgments about what is good and what is proper; ethics:  the rules that translate characteristic ideals or ethos into everyday organizational or community practice, and conduct: the actual actions and behavior of you and others in the organization and community. [EVES]

Please apply the DEAL-based Internship Experience Reflection Framework and describe a direct internship experience (objectively and in some detail) articulating your learning related to an organizational or professional value: “I learned that”….”I learned that when”… “This learning matters because”…”In light of this learning”….

I learned that the Helm Society operates in a very complex manner while keeping its integrity and operations simple and unique. Today I attended my first full Roundtable with the helm society. The conference reminisced with my experience in the Entrepreneurship for the Public Good program. We convened in a conference room or open space and conversed about a certain topic and brought out ideas and solutions to problems; similarly, at the roundtable, different CEO’s from different companies in different states came together and discussed the topic at hand by throwing out ideas and offering solutions. The organization values its clients and facilitates the discussions. The organization provides values and structure to the operations of the different companies that are involved in the roundtables.

I learned this when I attended the roundtable in Manhattan New York at 45 Rockefeller Plaza on the 20th floor.

This learning matters because it is important for the organization as well as the community that comes together to attend these meetings/ roundtables.

In light of this learning, I still have a great amount to learn about the organization and the structure it revolves around.