Day 14 – June 18, 2015

Day 14

The most impactful values and ethical structures (rules of habits of professional conduct) that I have witnessed so far in this internship can be best described as the following. These values and ethics are similar or different from what I experienced in Berea and in my first EPG summer in the following ways.

Please apply the Reflective Discernment Model to articulate your learning: I learned that, I learned that when, This learning matters because, In light of this learning.

I learned that the ethical structures I have witnessed in the organization is the professionalism that is used on the phone when contacting CEO’s. IN EPG, we contacted local business owners by walking into their stores, and following up through email for needed information. Similarly, in my organization we contact CEO’s by Email; however, the nature of the discussion is completely different. When we contact CEO’s we are offering them a service of a topic in which they are interested. Contrary, in EPG we contacted business owners to get information and to help them brainstorm effective ways to bring economic growth to their region. The best ways to describe these ethical structures is by saying they are direct.

I learned this when I listen to my boss call CEO’s inviting them to the roundtables that we host.

This learning matters because rules of habits and personal conduct are different in all environments. An example can be wearing a suit to a child’s birthday party. It just doesn’t work.

In light of this learning, the professionalism that is held at these events are of high standards. One thing that my boss reminds me is that these CEO’s are of $5 – $500 million annual revenue.