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Day – 14 Clean slate

Explore the room you’re in as if you’re seeing it for the first time. Pretend you know nothing. What do you see? Who is the person who lives there?

The room I am seeing for the first time looks to be a 14’ x 8’ room. The furniture inside the room suggest that one person lives in the room. There is a full wardrobe, a bed, a mini-fridge, a desk, and a chair. On the desk there are some books. The books range in subject from strategy to code to history to business habits. There are some video games on the desk. There is a Play Station 3 on the top shelf of the desk and a 39-inch TV sitting next to the Play Station 3. The desk and its properties suggest that a young adult may be living in the room. Perhaps of the profession of a student or a mentor. The room is pretty clean with the occasional debris and clothing item on the floor. There is not much mess and there is a passage way for someone to be able to walk through the room with no trouble. This room definitely belongs to someone who is concise of their environment.