These are just my personal writing prompts. My goal is to write more. By writing daily prompts I hope to accomplish this.

Day – 9 Animals

Choose an animal and write about it.   Dogs. There's a reason we call them man's best friend. We can learn so many things from a dog's behavior, personality, demeanor, resiliency, and most importantly, the willingness to provide their family members with unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship down to their very last breath.   Some people would say dog are…

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Day – 8 Dream Catcher

Write something inspired by a recent dream.   My most recent dream was a couple of nights ago where I found myself in the middle of the wrestling ring getting ready for a fatal four-way elimination match for the WWE Universal Championship. In my Dream I was facing Roman Reigns, Triple H, and Kevin Owens.   It is true that…

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Day – 7 Eye Contact Part 2

Several weeks went by and Victoria, the girl I made eye contact with at Central Park, and I became really great friends. We started hanging out at this at the Hudson Yards near the Jacob Javits center. I encourage anyone to go if they have some spare time. The view of the river is amazing.   Now we were not…

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Day – 6 Eye Contact

Write about two people meeting each other for the first time.   It was one sunny afternoon in Central Park. And there she was. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen and she was sitting on a bench reading a book. Just as she looked up while turning the book to the next page, she noticed me staring and…

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Day – 5 Outside the Window

Outside the Window: What’s the weather outside your window doing right now? If that’s not inspiring, what’s the weather like somewhere you wish you could be?   Outside, the weather is snowing and it is around 24 degrees Fahrenheit. It is very cold and the temperature makes me wish I had a cup of hot chocolate and in front of…

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Day – 4 Dancing

Dancing: Who’s dancing and why are they tapping those toes?   It is 1 am in the morning and I am dancing tango at a Milonga in Buenos Aires, Argentina with a beautiful 24 year old Argentinian woman. You might be wondering what is a 25 year old guy doing at a Milonga at 1 am in the morning. A…

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Day – 3 The Vessel

The Vessel: Write about a ship or other vehicle that can take you somewhere different from where you are now.   The vehicle is an airplane and I am in it because I own the entire airline. I fly everywhere because I can and because I want to visit the entire world.

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Day – 2 The Unrrequiitted love poem

How do you feel when you love someone that does not love you back?   The sad truth about love is that it is the one attribute about humans that can create the most joy and most sorrow. To really understand this, you need to understand what it means to love. In my experience, I define love as the emotion…

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Day 1 – Stroke of Midnight

Stroke of Midnight: Where were you last night when 2016 turned into 2017? Is that where you’d wanted to be?   At the stroke of midnight, I welcomed in the new year of 2017 with a smile and a hug with my family. I was in the central time zone so some of my friends in the eastern time zone…

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